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With the social distancing and self quarantine in effect, one thing that most of us have more of right now is time! We're not driving as much and have some more at-home time. The question is, what are you doing with that extra time?

This past week in talking with others, I've heard many ideas. Some of these include doing yoga at home. Alex shared @yogacodsm is a great resource on IG. Corey talked about he is increasing his reading. Others are expanding their recipe base. Ben shared the website that has great meal recipes (cause no such things as snacks).

As for myself, I'm getting my chainsaw tuned up and looking forward to getting outside next week and seeing what I can do to some trees that need some attention. This should be an interesting project but doubling as some outdoor activity as well! My wife Mandee is repainting cabinet doors using a new glazing technique that is turning out awesome!

While we have this temporary window of time, see what you can do to fill that gap by growing in some manner. Learning a new task, increasing knowledge, expanding your talents, whatever the case is. This is a great time to get to something you haven't been able to.

Share below if you're doing something you haven't done before or are leveling up from where you are currently, let's inspire each other, whatcha got?!


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