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2018 Planning Workshop Announcement

I made this announcement last week on FB (see video here) and I wanted to post here to ANNOUNCE THE IMPACT ACTION PLANNING WORKSHOP FOR 2018 coming up on Dec 9th!!

I have created this workshop because people love to set new year’s resolutions but history shows the FAILURE rate is HUGE!! Why?? They don’t set the right goals and they don’t put a plan and system to achieve them. THIS WORKSHOP CREATES THAT! Goals are a common practice to set for the upcoming year, but what if you have 12 months of IMPACT ACTION items to hit those goals?

Last year we had a great group and the things they have achieved this year have been AWESOME!!! This is also the system that I go through myself and I can personally say it accelerates your progress BIG TIME!!

Here are some things that last year’s participants said:

“This helps make things realistic, the worksheets are great and can be used for anyone of any age.”

“Excited to already have goals on paper and plans to work towards them!”

“Great take-home resources!”

Space is limited for this workshop. It will be held on Saturday, Dec 9th from 9 AM to noon where you will come away with the following:

1. Based on your primary Why Factors determine the Game Changers that will be the biggest impact in 2018 to your big Why Factors. (Part of the process is helping you to determine these).

2. Set goals in all categories in your life to achieve BIG things this year why improving the balance in your life. Examples include health, relationships, career, financial, lifestyle, etc.

3. Put together a sequential list of doable actions that will get you a list of weekly and daily tasks that will keep you making small wins on the journey to achieve your big, audacious goals.

4. Strategically plan on how to hold yourself accountable on a daily basis so that 12 months later you can look back and see the accomplishments and experience the results.

You will also receive follow-ups from me on how your weekly, monthly and quarterly progress is going, to reinforce your self-accountability.

Space is limited for this workshop but at the time of this email, seats are still available. Cost for this workshop is $99 per person or $149 per couple.

Upon registering you will get a worksheet to begin the planning process to get the most out of this workshop.

Reply back via email: to register for the workshop to lock in your spot.

Feel free to forward this on to anyone you think would benefit from setting a plan to achieve in place for 2018, time to make this a breakthrough year!!

Feel Free To Forward This To A Friend!

Impact Action Coaching


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