While driving, ever try to make a turn that was just too tight and have to throw it in reverse to give yourself more room? We’ve all been there. While it can be satisfying to make that hairpin turn, we’re better off taking a bit more time and throwing it in reverse.
Our training sessions can be the same; doing them in reverse.
In other words, you start with those exercises you would normally end with (usually the isolation accessory movements) and then finish with the larger compound movements.
Why and when would you want to do this?
A couple good scenarios. First is if you are nursing an injury. By pre-exhausting the muscle with an accessory movement, the larger compound lifts can be just as effective with less of a load.
The second is if you’re short on time and wouldn’t be able to get your proper warm up in. While it is still good to adequately prepare to train, it doesn’t take near as much effort to prep for isolation versus a compound lift.
Pre-exhaust techniques certainly hold a place and can be used effectively at the right time. Just like saving time making a proper turn, sometimes you’re just better going in reverse.
