A few years ago I read the book The Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter. As the title implies, the premise is society is getting too comfortable and getting soft in the process in all areas. In the book, I was introduced to the term Misogi, which is the Japanese tradition of a physical and mental challenge that helps renew the mind, body and spirit.

Since that book, myself and a couple of my close accountability buddies have been doing such a challenge each year. We take turns creating it, and then grind through it together. The only two rules are you only have about a 50% chance of finishing and that you don’t die.
While a misogi might look different for everyone, the theme is the same: do hard things.

I can say these have given me confidence mentally and physically to push myself to do hard things. Additionally, it’s deepened relationships with these other individuals, which has far reaching implications.
Whatever the challenge, I would encourage everyone to do their own version of a misogi. Stretch goals make us better, give us confidence and build resilience to handle the challenges life throws at us.
