One thing I've always been amazed with is the amount of acronyms that the military and law enforcement uses. I've also noticed that when having conversations, they will throw these out without taking a breath. If you are in a conversation (or in trouble) and don't know the lingo, certainly it can be puzzling at best. I've found myself doing the same with the acronyms ROG and ROL with clients, let me define these.
ROG means Rate Of Gain. Specifically, this is the weekly increase of your bodyweight (usually in pounds) that we want to target to make sure lean mass is gained without letting bodyfat get out of control. This can vary from each individual but it's based on many factors including current body mass, stage of reverse, current conditioning, training history/experience to name a few. If ROG is too high, then bodyfat accumulates faster than the metabolism can handle and lean muscle can keep up with. In an ideal ROG, the body puts on lean muscle at a steady rate, body composition stays in check and metabolism is improved.
ROL means Rate Of Loss. This is the weekly loss of bodyweight to target. This level allows muscle tissue retention, minimal metabolism compromise and primes for long term bodyfat loss. Similar to ROG, ROL is very individual dependent but the big factors are body mass, training protocol, and level of conditioning. As one gets leaner, the ROL usually will go down over time, primarily due to decreased body mass. If ROL happens too fast, excessive muscle tissue will be lost, metabolism will slow and what seems like great progress will either halt or set someone up for a bad rebound.
Keeping things ratable in both instances is dynamic and while there will always be peaks and valleys, we want to look at the trends and I like to average at least one month's time. There are two less acronyms that you have to do a quick google search to find the top definitions.
